What Is the Technical Name for Funny Bone

Asked by: Anir Emchenko
asked in category: General Last Updated: 11th April, 2020

What is the actual name of your funny bone?

You get that funny feeling when the ulnar nerve is bumped against the humerus, the long bone that starts at your elbow and goes up to your shoulder. Tapping your funny bone doesn't do any damage to your elbow, arm, or ulnar nerve.

Subsequently, question is, is there a funny bone in the knee? There's your finger and toe bones, or phalanges. There's also your kneecap, or patella. But it turns out, the bone we call the funny bone isn't really a bone at all.

Subsequently, question is, is it possible to not have a funny bone?

That's your funny bone! And the funny thing is…it's not a bone at all! Bumping your "funny bone" like this doesn't do any damage to your elbow or the ulnar nerve, but it sure feels weird! You can usually feel the sensation primarily in the areas controlled by the ulnar nerve: your pinky and ring fingers.

What does ulnar nerve pain feel like?

Cubital tunnel syndrome can cause an aching pain on the inside of the elbow. Numbness and tingling in the ring finger and little finger are common symptoms of ulnar nerve entrapment. Often, these symptoms come and go. They happen more often when the elbow is bent, such as when driving or holding the phone.

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Source: https://askinglot.com/what-is-the-actual-name-of-your-funny-bone

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