Oh, NBA. What would we do without you? The National Basketball Association is arguably the most entertaining league on the planet. Yes, we are counting together soccer, football, hockey, and whatever other sport you could come up with. That is just the kind of sport basketball is. We are not saying the others are not fun. It is just that the NBA is the NBA. The league has its unique peculiarities, and these peculiarities are the little things that make meme makers thrive within this community. So much goes on during an NBA season that there is no lack of material for these guys to work with. From the classic the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead, to the LeBron flopping, to the drunken J.R. Smith antics, to Russell Westbrook and his weird clothes, and to Kevin Durant and his Twitter crusade. There is so much to talk about that Facebook and other social media platforms can keep us entertained throughout 82 games plus the playoffs with memes alone.

This season was no exception as it has perhaps been more eventful than your usual NBA season, from the blockbuster trades during the off-season to the trade deadline mayhem caused by Dan Gilbert and the Cleveland Cavaliers. As whatever higher power you might believe in is our witness, there was no lack of material for the guys who work in the creativity department to keep us entertained. And as a service to the community, we decided to pick out 20 of the best NBA memes we came across.

20 Nickname Problems

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Every great NBA player gets his own nickname. Sometimes it comes from a character that the player created, like Kyrie Irving became Uncle Drew. Sometimes it is given to you because of how great you are, which is how LeBron James became King James. When you are always on fire and "cooking" from long range, you become worthy of the nickname "chef," like the greatest shooter of our time, Steph Curry.

So, when the Lakers decided to draft Lonzo Ball and put him as the face of their franchise, the guy who would bring Showtime back to Los Angeles, everyone thought he would get a cool nickname. But despite how solid he has been in many areas of the basketball court, one thing stood above the rest when people decided to give Lonzo a nickname. And if you have seen him shoot, you know he is worth the of the nickname Air Ball.

19 J.R. Having To Adapt

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Poor J.R. Smith became the number one target for NBA memes with perhaps the exception of Kevin Durant. But you have to admit that when you act like J.R. does, it is hard for people not to make fun of you. Yes, this is the guy who celebrated a championship by going an entire month without putting a shirt on (but don't quote us on that).

There have also been times when people claimed that it looked like J.R. was playing with a hangover, which no one would really put past him. Hey, if he is knocking down three-pointers, who cares if he is still drunk? Either way, he is the kind of guy who could have trouble getting acquainted with his new teammates (the aforementioned Larry Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson) since Cleveland traded their entire team.

18 The All-Star Weekend

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This year's NBA All-Star Weekend was unparalleled in recent memory. Sure, the dunk contest was not the ridiculousness of the Zach LaVine-Aaron Gordon showcase, but aside from that, everything was beyond what people thought it would be. The actual All-Star Game was entertaining as guys even played defense. Yes, defense ultimately won the All-Star Game. We got to see many reunions like Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook actually being nice to each other, as well as Kyrie Irving and LeBron James playing together again.

But not everything can be nice. And thanks to Fergie, we can check the NBA on the map for hosting one of the worst performances of the American National Anthem of all time. Seriously, if you did not get to watch that trainwreck happening, we strongly advise you check it out.

17 The Fight

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There is a lot to cover where this fight is concerned, but let's start with Rajon Rondo. It is hard to deny that Rondo had a point when he said that the Boston Celtics giving Isaiah Thomas a tribute was unwarranted. He was right. As good as Isaiah was in a Celtics uniform, that is a franchise that has won multiple championships. To celebrate a guy who had one good year and didn't even win the conference could be seen as lowering the standards for the Celtics. Coming from a guy who won a championship with Boston, you can't argue.

Still, to go as far as he did the first time he played against Isaiah after that, makes you wonder how mature of a person Rondo is. Thomas also had his fault in the whole ordeal, but at least the fans got to get a good laugh out of these two fighting.

16 Snake Problems

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You kind of feel it for Kyrie Irving when people pit him together with Kevin Durant. It is not like Irving left his previous team to join a team that was better than it. No, this is the kind of guy who just wanted to see what he could become if he were the head honcho where he was playing. Yeah, Kyrie just wanted to be away from LeBron and see if he could cut it in the NBA as a top dog. Durant was different. He joined the best team in the league, and there is really no excuse to go around that one.

Nevertheless, when you have the sense of loyalty of a guy like Russell Westbrook, walking into a locker room and seeing these two together could be pretty much the same as going to the movies and watching a remake of the Samuel L Jackson classic, Snakes On A Plane.

15 KD Tweeting

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So we talked about J.R., now let's go ahead and approach the topic of the second favorite target of NBA meme makers. Ever since he decided to leave Oklahoma City and join forces with the Golden State Warriors, Kevin Durant willingly turned himself into the biggest villain in the NBA. This dude seriously ruined the league for most people since he turned what was already the best team in the league into an even bigger monster. Either way, changing sceneries was not the only iffy thing about Durant's character.

Of course, you know we are talking about the alleged claims that KD has several burner Twitter accounts. Twitter accounts that you can be sure were tweeting things like these after the All-Star Game. A snake indeed.

14 The Reality

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You gotta feel for Magic Johnson. He was right when he decided to draft Lonzo Ball with the second overall pick. As much as people hate on the kid, he is talented. Sure, his shot is as ugly as they come, but when you look at everything else, this is a guy who could very well become an All-Star sometime soon. The problem here is that when Magic drafted Lonzo, he got a package deal. And let's just say that this was the worst package deal in the history of the NBA.

LaVar Ball is in freaking Lithuania, and he is still making headlines complaining about the Lakers organization and Luke Walton's coaching. Magic might put up a good front, but all of this repercussion has to bother him.

13 Dunk Contest Problems

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We already mentioned that the dunk contest was not the greatest of all time, but it was okay. However, there is a little fact about it that was tough to understand. The NBA Dunk Contest has always been the prime-time event of the All-Star Weekend. Not only because people wanted to see the dunks, but because everyone was always excited to watch who was going to be put on the stands to judge the dunks of the contestants.

Throughout history, the guys selected to judge were most often some of the greatest dunkers of all time. But it seems like Adam Silver had a different idea for this year. He decided to put celebrities as judges. And while we have to admit that it probably did not change the outcome, it was a weird move, even if DJ Khaled had a blast.

12 Is That Donovan Mitchell?

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Perhaps the biggest story of this season was the rise of Donovan Mitchell. The rookie from the Utah Jazz has been blowing minds ever since he came into the spotlight. No one thought this kid would be as good as he is. It turns out he didn't think he was going to get drafted in the lottery. As fate would have it, the 13th overall pick could very well become this season's Rookie of the Year. An even more mind-boggling move is the idea that the Denver Nuggets traded him to the Utah Jazz during draft night. Talk about a steal by the Jazz.

Some could say that the Dwyane Wade comparison is unwarranted. However, Mitchell is averaging 19.6 points per game. Wade averaged 16.2 during his rookie campaign.

11 The Real Coach

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If there is one consensus among all NBA fans, it is that Tyronn Lue is not the captain of the ship in Cleveland. Most of the time, it seems almost like Lue doesn't even know what is going on on the court. Luckily for him, he has a player who is already a coach in LeBron James. The guys in the front office and the players can try and contest it as much as they want, but everyone knows that who runs the ship in that town is the best player in the world.

If LeBron James went to the front office tomorrow and told Dan Gilbert to get rid of Lue, the guy would be fired within minutes. Who knows, he might actually be a good coach. But as long as LeBron is around, no one will believe Lue is actually coaching anything.

10 Romance Of The Year

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Perhaps the greatest storyline around the entire All-Star Weekend was the fact that Joel Embiid actually became an All-Star. However, unlike many people would think, this has nothing to do with basketball. Well, it does have something to do with basketball, but it's complicated. Let's go back a little bit in time to a place when a young Joel decided to tell Rihanna that he was really into her and asked her if she would go on a date with him.

In what was a classic jerk move, Rihanna told him to come back when he became an All-Star. Well, karma usually hits with a vengeance, and when Embiid was selected to the All-Star Game, the first question that was asked of him was if he would try to get Rihanna to go on a date again. In classic Embiid fashion, he said no-no.

9 The Cleveland Purge

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If you are someone who survived the Cleveland purge during the trade deadline, you can be proud of yourself. You are still there either because your name is JR Smith or Tristan Thompson, and no one wanted to trade for you, or because you got coach LeBron James's blessing to stay. There is no other way to put it, what Cleveland did that day was a purge. They got rid of almost an entire team in order to "clear the air" in the locker room.

Still, what was the most impressive deal of the day was the fact that they actually traded Dwyane Wade back to Miami. Sure, D Wade is not the same that he was during his prime, but at the end of the day, he was just traded for an eighth-grader.

8 You Do What You Can

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Since Magic Johnson is trusting the process in Los Angeles and waiting for his team to mature and for free agency next season, he has to find entertainment in the little things. Maybe the funniest little entertaining thing that happened at the Staples Center this year was when they created the bandwagon fan cam. Yes, this was the way he found of poking fun at the Golden State Warriors. After all, if you can't compete against the best team in the league, you might as well hit them in their Achilles' heel.

Now, we know that there are real Golden State fans out there who were fans before the dawn of the Steph Curry era, but the rule of thumb is that most Warriors' fans today are bandwagoners. You can't blame Magic for pointing a few of them out.

7 Fashion Statements

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There are two things you can be sure you will see whenever you go to watch an Oklahoma City game. The first one is that Russell Westbrook could explode and record a triple-double that night. The other thing you can be sure of is that you are going to see some pregame footage of Westbrook walking into the arena wearing something ridiculous. This guy is all about the fashion statements and since the fashion people say he has style, who are we to disagree with them?

What they cannot deny is that his style is funny for us regular folk. Take this as an example. We don't even know how much money he paid for these clothes, but it really does look like he just went to a bazaar and picked up whatever Shaq had pawned.

6 The Real Winner

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One of the most mind-boggling happenings of this season was the Blake Griffin trade. After all the talk about loyalty and the Clippers signing him to a lucrative contract, it was weird to see them agreeing to trade the guy. He has always been the face of their franchise, so why not stick with him and fire Doc Rivers instead? If you did that, you could at least get rid of Austin Rivers as well.

Whether Clippers fans like it or not, it is what it is, and Blake is now a Detroit Piston. Although in basketball terms this could have been a good trade for Blake since he could be in a better position for a playoff run with Detroit, the real winner of this trade was Boban Marjanovic. After all, there is no way Kendall Jenner is going to be okay with Detroit in the long run.

5 A Nightmare In Cleveland

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There is no easy way to put it, but fans will have to admit that without LeBron James, the city of Cleveland is nothing but a wasteland when it comes to sports. That region is a place where LeBron James is indeed King. They burned his jerseys when he left, but as soon as he returned, Cleveland fans came to the realization that without this man, they would never have anything to celebrate. Yes, the years LeBron stayed in Miami were nothing but proof of that idea.

So, with his impending free agency right around the corner, we cannot help but imagine what Cavaliers' games would look like without King James. And that is if we only talk about Cleveland. Imagine what would happen to all the bandwagon fans who jumped on the LeBron train not too long ago. They will probably become Golden State fans.

4 The Nets

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If you walked up to any young NBA fan today and told them that once upon a time the Nets were a good team, they would just laugh in your face. And it would be okay for them to do that. After all, the only way someone would know that the Nets were once a good team is if they followed the NBA during the early 2000s. Most specifically, during a time when Brian Scalabrine, a.k.a. The White Mamba, played for the New Jersey Nets. Yes, young NBA fans, you better believe it that the Nets were good back in the day. There is no better proof of that than the fact they reached two consecutive NBA finals in 2002 and 2003. Sure, they lost both of them, but could you imagine the Nets reaching the finals anytime soon?

3 Poor Clippers

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Another team that makes us sad is the Los Angeles Clippers. They showed such promise when Chris Paul joined forces with Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan. Unfortunately, all of that talent packed together was not enough to get past the second round of the playoffs. Sure, many people have the opinion of saying that a lot of the blame has to go to Doc Rivers for how he coached that team. But when you have one of the top-five point guards of all time on your roster, getting past the second round should be nothing more than a given. And if you are watching the Houston Rockets this season, you know very well how good Chris Paul can be with a coach who lets him do what he wants.

Either way, if you are a Clippers' fan, this is the only option you have to feel good about yourself. You have to win it all on NBA 2K because it is not going to happen in real life.

2 About Secret Passages

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If in all of his time in Los Angeles, Chris Paul was not able to win a championship or even get past the second round, there was one thing it seems like he came out of the whole ordeal with. Actually, there were two things. The first was an acute knowledge of the inner workings of the Staples Center. That is the only reason a guy like him would know that there are secret passages that go from one locker room to another. The other thing he got out of his time with the Clippers seems to be a deep hatred for Austin Rivers. Seriously, why else would the "rumors" be floating about Paul showing Gerald Green and Trevor Ariza a secret passage to the Clippers' locker room so that they could go and beat up Austin Rivers?

1 Zaza Problems

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The only people who like the Golden State Warriors are actually Golden State fans. And there is a good reason for that. Some people might say they took the fun out of the NBA. They think that because Kevin Durant joined what was already a superteam, he killed the NBA. Haters can claim that Steph Curry is the king of garbage time. Maybe Draymond Green talks a big game, but he only plays well because of the guys around him. But for all of the wrongs people can find with those superstars, there is one thing you cannot call them: Dirty players. Well, you could actually call Draymond a dirty player every now and then.

But within that roster, there is one guy who seems to actively seek the best player on the other team to try to hurt them. Yes, we are talking about Zaza Pachulia. It is infuriating how he doesn't even try to make it look like he doesn't do it on purpose, be it injuring Kawhi Leonard's ankle, or the latest attempt to break Russell Westbrook's leg.